Un cântec de leagăn este o melodie linistitoare, de obicei, cântat la copii mici înainte de a merge la culcare, cu intenția de a accelera acest proces. Ca urmare, acestea sunt adesea simple și repetitive. Cântece de leagăn pot fi găsite în orice cultură, iar din perioada antică | |||
Culca-te, puiut micut,
Culca-te si te abua Pâna mâine-n dalba ziua. Si te culca si adormi Pâna mâine-n dalbe zori. Doina din ce s-o facut ? Dintr-o gura de mic prunc. L-o lasat maica dormind, L-o aflat doina zicând. Abua – bua – bua, Abua, tucu-l maica, Nu te teme tu de zmei, I-a goni maica pe ei. Puisor cu ochi de mure, Maica-i dusa la padure, Ti-a aduce gatejoare Si ti-a face scovergioare. *** Go to asleep my tiny baby, Try to sleep and get asleep Till the white dawns break the day. Then wake up as a grown child. Get asleep, my tiny baby Till tomorrow in the dawn. Abua – bua – bua, Abua, your mother will gently kiss you Don’t be afraid of bad creatures in the forest Your mother is forever guarding and protecting you. Little sweetest mother’s baby With small eyes as dark blackberries Your mother will go to forest She’s going to bring you wooden pieces from the trees And make crullers just for you |
Nani, nani, puiul mamii, Nani, nani, puiul mamii, Puisorul mamii mic, Facete-ai, maica, voinic. Nani, nani, puiul mamii, Nani, nani, puiul mamii, Frumusel si voinicel, Mândru ca un stejerel. Nani, nani, puiul mamii, Nani, nani, puiul mamii, Puiul mamii, puisor, Dormi, puiule, dormi usor.
Podul de piatră s-a dărâmat A venit apa şi l-a luat Vom face altul pe riu, în jos Altul mai trainic şi mai frumos! Vom face altul pe riu, în jos Altul mai trainic şi mai frumos! *** The stone bridge broke down, The water came and took it down! We'll build another one, Another one that will last and is even more beautiful! We'll build another one, Another one that will last and is even more beautiful! |
Spring is coming, is coming! All over the country! Flowers in the fields, Children let us pick them! Tralalalalalalalala! Tralalalalalalalala! Flowers in the fields, Children let us pick them! The grass grows, grows green, The larks get lost in the clouds, Children let us go and listen to them, To their songs in the fields! Tralalalalalalalala! Tralalalalalalalala! Children let us go and listen to them, To their songs in the fields! Cuckoo, cuckoo, yell out loud, He jumps on his feet, Lambs are playing in the fields, Children let us go to see them! Tralalalalalalala! Tralalalalalalala! Lambs are playing in the fields, Children let us go to see them! |